The artist’s purpose in putting this picture in the public form is trying to get across the modern-day American what life was like during these times. People can read books or watch movies about the time, but there is no way to really get an accurate representation of the time without a photograph from that time.…
The Great Depression was the longest, toughest, and most extensive economic crash in the history of the industrialized United States, and Josephine Anderson experienced the fatal event firsthand. Josephine was just a young girl at the time of the collapse, but despite her juvenile stature, she remembers the outbreak of unemployment and catastrophe as clear as day. “We were the lucky ones,” Josephine stated.“Living on a farm helped us tremendously, but it was still a very tough time.”…
Marvin and Morgan Smith devoted their lives to visuals. The twin photographers defined Harlem life to anti lynching photographs. Together the brothers created incisive, poignant images that resembled Harlem from the 1930s to the 1950s. The twin’s early works consisted of them making sketches on slates. Their first years were spent in the poor share cropping system. The sons of sharecroppers were born in Nicholasville, Kentucky in 1910. Their first photographs were taken with a simple box camera, gifted to them by a white benefactor. The brothers began developing photos in their basement, often working for prominent white families in Lexington. They moved to Lexington as teenagers to pursue art and photography, and were the first in their family to graduate from Paul Lawrence Dunbar high school.…
The Great Depression created great financial hardships all around the United States. Along with a poor economy, prohibition was greatly discouraged as well, starting a tremendous social movement in the 1920s and 30s, specifically related to gang crimes. These gangsters used bootlegging, bank robberies, and many other tactics in order for them to survive the national financial crisis. The two photograph selected depict most of the most notorious criminals of the Great Depression era. The first is the famous couple Bonnie and Clyde in 1933, many years after they began criminalizing the Midwest. The police in Missouri, one of their several hideouts, found the original photograph. The second photo is Jack Diamond (Jack Nolan)…
It was during the Great Depression in the United States that a photographer for the Resettlement Administration, Dorothea Lange, stepped outside of the studio and focused her work on the suffering she was witnessing around her. The Resettlement Administration is a New Deal agency that focuses on helping poor families relocate. This job lead Lange to Nipomo, California where she found herself at a campsite crowded with out-of-work pea pickers. Lange approached a woman who had been suffering from the loss of a job due to the crop being destroyed by rain. Under a tent, sat this woman who was surrounded by her seven children, drained and hungry. Lange had asked this exhausted woman to photograph them with very little information being told. The…
In the 1930s area’s like Texas, Kansas and others were hit by hundreds of storms all these storms together made up one huge natural disaster It was the biggest natural disaster in Americas history. In the 1900s to 1930s, so many families in listed parcels of land and the states’s These families had built farms plus built a life where they were . In the 1931s there was a very bad drought that fell across the middle of the nation, Americans were already suffering because of the stock market crashing in 1920 . Also the great depression was at its point in time it was a huge tragedy, but Most farmers had the time didn’t have income so they couldn’t pay for their mortgages…
fought for women and Blacks and helped them gain some recognition and had receive improved rights. Some of the New Deal programs included Blacks such as those that were spoken of in Document I. In the document The Crisis spoke about how this was the first time that “Government has taken on meaning and substance for the negro masses”. The Great Depression also brought into light the unfair perception of women. During the depression, women were rarely seen waiting in bread lines and sleeping in the streets even thought they faced the same hardship, as shown in Document A. The pride many of…
Its 1927, the great flood of Mississippi has been the worst natural disaster. More than 23,000 square miles of land has been destroyed, thousands of people have had nowhere to live, and around 250 people have died. While going through this great depression, we had near no food, plantations flooded, farms ruined, we couldn’t eat a lot, nor even live. More than 200,000 African Americans have been displaced from their homes along the Lower Mississippi River, and have had to live in camps. The flood began with heavy rain in the central basin of Mississippi. Bad damages due to flooding reached approximately one billion dollars, already that that’s not even all the homes. We had no home, no food, and no family. This caused a piece of the great depression.…
Just like the reading states where it became a way for black people to come out and be noticed and respected; to be represented. Photographs show the truth in the lives of people, in our country, in the world, past, present, and sometimes even the future. The images that are portrayed always have a much deeper truth then what can just be seen with a quick glance. The author talks about how her parents took photos of her family and their lives constantly. The reason for this being that there is a deeper truth behind it. They weren’t able to express themselves in the past and so much of their lives had been lost. Therefore, they were taking every opportunity to capture and cherish…
Walter Evans depiction of life and the people during the depression, in the 1930’s, shows despair, devastation and vulnerability. While an example of the devastation that Walter Evans depicted, is within a family named the Bud Fields; they did not have much wealth during these times. As in the photo you can see that the Bud Fields did not have enough money to provide shoes for all of the family members, most of them are barefooted. The family’s tattered clothing is covered in dirt, along with their faces and bodies. The Bud Fields had to wear what clothing they had at the time, because they were poor and struggling. Since the grandma looks as if she is wearing a sheet around her torso and the two boys are not wearing any bottoms, you can see…
One of the most critical economic periods in the United States history was the Great Depression, which occurred in between the two world wars. A majority of the U.S. citizens did not know much about the Depression. The only information that they knew was what they read from textbooks. For instance, some of the material they read described the causes of the depression and how the whole country would be affected. Many citizens never really had to face the hardship like others were forced to face. People such as Russell Baker had to overcome many obstacles during this time.…
Some individuals viewed women who applied for aid or paid work as taking money and jobs away from more deserving men. Despite the opposition from men, women experienced a gain of two million jobs between 1930 and 1940. Women helped their families survive through their own fortitude and strength, despite all of the resistance they felt from men and societal expectations. As Eleanor Roosevelt said during the Great Depression in her book entitled It’s Up to the Women, “ is [women’s] courage and determination which, time and again, have pulled us through worse crises than the present one.” (Ware par. 1) Without women, there is no doubt our nation would have suffered more at the hands of the Great Depression than it already did. Although the Great Depression brought pain and tragedy, it was certainly positive in its effect to help women begin to break the glass ceiling for the first time, as well as exemplify the inner strength in women that was previously suppressed as a result of confining gender…
Before the war, it was unheard of for women to be working long hours and getting paid good money for it. (HIST 222 lecture, 19 OCT 10) This era was the beginning of women working permanently. (HIST 222 lecture, 28 OCT 10) It was also unheard of for Negros to have jobs and make money. With both of these groups working, there was more money to be spent on products. These new women began to become more political. They cut their hair short, smoked in public, and discussed Freud in public. (HIST 222 lecture, 19 OCT 10) Although women or blacks were still not treated fairly, and were definitely not treated as well as white men, they were treated better than they had been before. It was a step in the right direction, and a step which lead to the Women’s Rights Movements and the Civil Rights…
The great depression was one of the most detrimental and difficult things ever put on the US, people all across the country lost their jobs, went hungry, lost their homes, and were forced to live in poverty. People had to resort to eating out of dumpsters, scavenging for food, living in hoovervilles, sharing a small house with multiple families. One boy states that “We ate that dog meat with potatoes” (Doc 1). People were forced to eat meat that was meant for dogs, not humans. They were forced to live of small scraps of low grade meat and potatoes for weeks at a time. African Americans at this time were also put in extreme hardships, with most of their employers no longer having enough money to hire them they were forced to live in run down shacks, and rent out rooms to other people just to make up the rent. “Negro families were forced to take in lodgers […] frequently whole families slept in one room.” (Doc 2).…
The Great Depression, which began with the stock market crash of 1929 and lasted for the next decade, was a time of desperation and disorientation in America. In an effort to bring the country back on its feet, President Roosevelt initiated the Farm Security Administration (FSA) project. Photographers were hired and sent across the United States to document Americans living in poverty, and Dorothea Lange and Walker Evans were two of those photographers that were sent out. Along with their partners Paul S. Taylor and James Agee they started their projects which were approached through two different methods. Agee and Evans project Let Us Now Praise Famous Men and Lange and Taylor's project An American exodus: A Record of Human Erosion, are two similar, though different types of work. Both projects are of the poor tenant farmers in the south and the sharecroppers living during the Great Depression during the 1930s. The first difference I noticed is the way the pictures are presented in the two projects. By this I mean how they are taken and how Evans and Lange chose which ones that were to be included in the books. A second difference is that Agee and Taylor had two different writing techniques and these are the biggest differences between the two books.…