In the start of the play, Lady Macbeth was calling her husband Macbeth a weakling and she felt powerful because she was the one to kill King Duncan with the daggers. Macbeth came up with the idea of killing King Duncan and he brought the idea home to his wife, Lady Macbeth. Lady Macbeth says to Macbeth, “Weakling! Give me the daggers. Sleeping and dead people are like pictures.” (Shakespeare 83). Nobody would ever think of a woman stabbing somebody for a chance to become …show more content…
queen but, Lady Macbeth was that one woman who did stab somebody to be able to become queen.
As the play progresses, Lady Macbeth has to end up covering up for Macbeth because he starts to feel guilty about killing King Duncan and his friend Banquo. Macbeth starts to see the ghost of Banquo in his chair at the table and he starts to go crazy in front of the guests so Macbeth says to the guests, “Sit worthy friends. My lord is often this way and has been since his youth.” (Shakespeare 137). Everybody that was at the castle eating with Macbeth and Lady Macbeth start to think badly of Macbeth because Macbeth started acting weird like he had done something.
Towards the end of the play, Lady Macbeth starts to feel guilty for killing King Duncan and Banquo so a doctor comes in to look at her and guilt got to her so bad to where she ended up killing herself.
The doctor comes in and says, “This disease is beyond my medical skill. Yet I have known of those who have walked in their sleep, who died holy in their deathbeds.” (Shakespeare 209). Before Lady Macbeth killed herself from guilt she was walking and was washing her hands in her sleep. Lady Macbeth says in her sleep, “The smell of blood is still here. All the perfumes of Arabia will not be sweeten this little hand, Oh, oh, oh!” (Shakespeare 207).
Lady Macbeth had ambition get to her about becoming queen and that ambition ended up making her kill herself. Lady Macbeth even talked in her sleep and she said, “I would not have such a heart in my breast even to be queen.” (Shakespeare 207). Lady Macbeth thought being queen would be cool and now that ambition got to her because of that she is now dead. If Macbeth did not tell Lady Macbeth about his plan then Lady Macbeth would not have killed herself because of ambition.
In conclusion, change can be a good and bad thing. For Lady Macbeth and Macbeth change was not a good thing. Macbeth and Lady Macbeth had a good idea to become king and queen and ambition got to them that it resulted in Lady Macbeth killing herself and Macbeth getting his head cut off. Without ambition, Lady Macbeth would not have went so crazy, she wouldn’t have had
a doctor look at her and also she wouldn’t have killed herself.