Lady Macbeth’s opening scene shows her ambitions and her deepest desires. In Act 1, Scene 5 (Line 41- 43) she says “Come you spirits….fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty…”. This could be a pun; it could refer to filling from the head to toe or as a queen’s crown which demonstrates Lady Macbeth’s thirst for the throne. She also commands “spirits” to “come” which means she has a dark side or rather a witchy side to her which is in contrast with people of her time, who believed strongly in God and viewed witchcraft in a negative light. We also hear of spirits in Line 26 “pour my spirits in thine ear…”, which could also mean she is in touch with the spiritual world and doesn’t mind the art of black magic, additionally, she wants to put her natural femininity aside so she can do any deed necessary to get the throne. Furthermore, her evil driven ambitions is portrayed by her speech again in Line 64-65 of Act 1, Scene 5
Lady Macbeth’s opening scene shows her ambitions and her deepest desires. In Act 1, Scene 5 (Line 41- 43) she says “Come you spirits….fill me from the crown to the toe top-full of direst cruelty…”. This could be a pun; it could refer to filling from the head to toe or as a queen’s crown which demonstrates Lady Macbeth’s thirst for the throne. She also commands “spirits” to “come” which means she has a dark side or rather a witchy side to her which is in contrast with people of her time, who believed strongly in God and viewed witchcraft in a negative light. We also hear of spirits in Line 26 “pour my spirits in thine ear…”, which could also mean she is in touch with the spiritual world and doesn’t mind the art of black magic, additionally, she wants to put her natural femininity aside so she can do any deed necessary to get the throne. Furthermore, her evil driven ambitions is portrayed by her speech again in Line 64-65 of Act 1, Scene 5