Built to the highest specification,
Built for creativity,
Built for durability, and above all
Built to LAST
~We Carved Our way into the New Millennium
The product which we have chosen for our project is laminated wooden floor. This offer was given to us by “Al Noor MDF Board Industries”. They are launching a new product called laminated wooden flooring and they want to us plan a marketing strategy for them. Our objective is to provide an effective marketing strategy, in the form of creating awareness of wooden flooring to mass market, to identify different and prospective customers, to identify there needs and wants and to provide such a marketing mix that will result in greater market share and maximum profits.
This report provides the entire program for marketing laminated wooden flooring. For this purpose we have first identified major features of the product that will affect the marketing of the product. Then we have formulated our marketing objectives and identified our need category. We have also done the market research. In this we have identified consumer need and wants, awareness about laminated wooden flooring in different areas of Karachi, consumer perception about the product, the areas and market segments which have greater demand for wooden flooring and present situation in consumer market with respect to wooden flooring. We have also identified people who presently sell wooden flooring and their distribution and promotion. Hence we have identified major competitors with which Lasani wooden floor will have to compete in future.
For this we actually went to individual shops that sell wooden floor and other similar product. We identified the prices of the products they sell, market demand and promotional strategy. We have also tried to recognize how much they have been successful in attracting the market in Karachi. For market research most of the methods used are observational study and surveys.