This leads me to echo my former concern for the vague and subjective nature of Leopold’s message. He states in his paper, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community? It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” (Leopold, 1949) With this as a moral guide to solving the deer problem the conversation could circle around for hours. One may suggest that the deer population threatens the stability or the environment and therefore must be killed. Although, another could make an equally as valuable argument that the corpses of dead deer threaten the beauty of Wesselman Woods. Additionally, someone may put forth the deer’s impact of the flower and plant life in the area is a threat to the beauty of the woods and so on and so
This leads me to echo my former concern for the vague and subjective nature of Leopold’s message. He states in his paper, “A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity, stability and beauty of the biotic community? It is wrong when it tends otherwise.” (Leopold, 1949) With this as a moral guide to solving the deer problem the conversation could circle around for hours. One may suggest that the deer population threatens the stability or the environment and therefore must be killed. Although, another could make an equally as valuable argument that the corpses of dead deer threaten the beauty of Wesselman Woods. Additionally, someone may put forth the deer’s impact of the flower and plant life in the area is a threat to the beauty of the woods and so on and so