The Araby is a short narrative telling the story of a young boy, pursuing to get the love of his friend’s sister. The un-named boy lives day by day fantasizing about it. On a daily basis he wakes up to watch the girl as she leaves the house, he follows her when going to school and at some point by passes her. This goes on every day without a word to her. He is overly excited when the girl finally speaks to him. He even could not remember what he had said to her, when she asked whether he was going to the bazaar. He is passionate about the girl and inwardly seeks her acceptance. That is why he offers to get her a gift from the bazaar, and strives so hard to get to the bazaar for the sake of getting the gift. On the other hand, the Hunger artist is a story centered on a man who fasts professionally for art and entertainment. There is a similarity between the hunger strike and the Araby in the story is centered on a passionate person who aims at achieving a goal. In addition, in his case the goal is to continue fasting until he gets he desires. Similarly, the story behind ‘Here comes honey boo boo’ is represented by a passionate girl who participates in a beauty pageant contest. Despite the fact that the girl comes from a background, which does not fit the qualification of contesting because of lack of sophistication, the young girl is passionate, and the family is determined to help her. She is unrefined and unprepared unlike her fellow contestants who come from able backgrounds, which prepare them well. That is why she keeps losing each contest, but this does not discourage her. She strives to be her best, and this passion is what drives her. Hence, passion is the key theme depicted in the three stories
The three art-works are centered on artists with desires that they pursue. To get what they desire they are willing to beyond their means. They are willing to go beyond their