Language is a powerful tool for mankind by hearing speeches or learning in schools makes us believe that we got knowledge through language where in fact it is not always true only by a stronger ability in language could change peoples perspective. It is not just how people communicate it is the way for mankind to see the world in different perspective of different perceptions that are influenced by emotions and cultures. According to “It’s estimated that up to 7,000 different languages are spoken around the world. 90% of these languages are used by less than 100,000 people. Over a million people converse in 150-200 languages and 46 languages have just a single speaker!”. Lifestyles, beliefs and culture limits the power of language of a certain knowledge. A personal life experience would be where i tried to speak to my foreigners teachers where there are certain Indonesian language that cannot be translated and that is because Indonesian language is used and designed accordance to the lifestyle of the citizens, cultures or even climates.
Language has been used by mankind or even other living things.According to Charles F. Hockett Animal language are those forms of animal communication that show similarities to human language. Animal communication may be considered complex enough to be called a form of language if: the inventory of signs is large, the signs are relatively arbitrary, and the animals produce them with a degree of volition (as opposed to conditioned instincts). Animal communication can also be evidenced through the use of lexigrams (as used by chimpanzees and bonobos) in addition to signs. While the term "animal language" is widely used, researchers agree that animal languages are not as complex or expressive as human language. We know that it is a basic needs for people to survive connecting to my personal experience to communicate to my foreigners teachers are very important to learn how different countries culture is and