Candidates can demonstrate their learning by:
a) correctly using terminology that relates to language skills and sub-skills
b) relating task design to language skills practice
c) finding, selecting and referencing information from one or more sources using written language that is clear, accurate and appropriate to the task
Length: 750 – 1,000 words
Part A: Receptive skills task design
1. What is your opinion of the text as a piece of authentic material to be used in class? Would this article be suitable for your current TP students? Why/why not?
2. What would you do as a lead in to get the students interested in the topic? What is your rationale? (Refer to background reading).
3. Is there any vocabulary you feel is essential to pre-teach? If there is, list the items and say why you have chosen them.
4. Design a task which provides students with practice in skimming (reading for gist). Include the task and time limit. What is the rationale for getting students to skim? (Refer to background reading).
5. Design a task which provides students with practice in scanning (reading for specific information). Include the task and time limit. What is the rationale for getting students to scan? (Refer to background reading).
6. Design a comprehension task which provided students with practice in reading for detailed understanding. Include the task and time limit. What is the rationale for getting students to read for detailed understanding? (Refer to background reading).
Part B: Productive skills task design
Design or find an extension activity (for freer practice of productive skills – either speaking or writing) which you could use after the students had read the article. Include your task and your rationale for choosing it. Why use a follow-up task? (Refer to background reading).
Please include word count and a bibliography.
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