“The effects of language & grammar in the medical field”
HS275: Professionalism in Healthcare
Prof: Brett Martin
Tara Payton
November 1, 2011
In my essay I will explain how language and grammar can have a big effect on your image in the medical practice you’ll be working in. Language and grammar has a big part of your career because they are used for communication. In the medical field communication is very important because if you can’t communicate effectively then you can’t structure your sentences correctly. As a future healthcare provider, we need use correct grammar because when talking to a patient it is essential. You wouldn’t want to be speaking & not make sense to your audience because the grammar you use is incorrect. Someone who has good grammar is an effective communicator because they are able to catch on to social rules that help them communicate. Language can affect your image in the medical field too; simply because you have to be careful what type of language you may use in your career. Foreign languages can affect your image if you aren’t bilingual because you can’t talk to your patients who don’t understand English well. The type of language you use in the medical office can be harmful to others emotionally. For example, when you’re talking to a patient you should not use profanity if you become upset because that really turns your image into a bad one. Your language can affect your image in more ways than one. For instance, the type of language you use can have a positive or negative influence on your career in your medical office. As I mention earlier in my essay, language & grammar are important forms of communication. When talking to your supervisor you wouldn’t be taken seriously if you are using slang or Ebonics. This only makes your image look terrible and may make your boss think twice about keeping you apart of his or her staff. Language can refer to many different things such as the way you talk or
References: 1. How does improper grammar affect communication skill?. (2011). Retrieved from http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_does_improper_grammar_affect_communication_skill 2. Stop slingin ' slang! prospects and clients leary of loose langu read more: http://www.articlesbase.com/ethics-articles/stop-slingin-slang-prospects-and-clients-leary-of-loose-language-266174.html