Observation Number: 1
Observation Date: 19/11/12
Method Used: Narrative
Media Used: Pen + Paper
Start Time: 14:30
Finish Time: 14:45
Number of children present: 4
Number of adults present: 2
Permission obtained from: Father of child
Setting: The observation took place in the child’s home. The child’s home is a semi-detached house in a housing estate
Immediate Context: This observation took place in the kitchen. TC is seated at the kitchen table finishing his homework. His father is nearby washing up at the sink. The observation took place at 2.30 in the afternoon. An hour after TC returned home from school. TC’s brother and sister are running around the kitchen while another brother is sitting at the table playing Lego.
Name of Child: TC
Brief description of the child: TC is a male aged 6 years and 5 months. He has been in school since September 12 months ago. He has one older brother (aged nine) three young brothers (twin 3 year olds and a 2 year old) he has a younger sister also (aged 2 years). Because of the number in his family he is very active and talkative.
Aim of observation: The aim of this observation is to observe TC for a period of time of 10 minutes in order to assess his language development.
Observation: TC is sitting on a chair at the kitchen table finishing off his homework he is drawing objects that begin with “I”. He asks how to spell ice-cream, igloo and ice as these are the shapes he’s drawing. He takes out a sheet filled with words to learn. He is now looking at his words and pronouncing them. TC has finished his homework and packed away his bag. He takes out a sheet a paper.
TC -> A “Daddy how do you spell IGLOO?”
A -> TC “ I-G-L-O-O”
TC -> A “How do you spell ICE?”
A -> TC “I-C-E”
TC -> A “How do you spell ICE-CREAM”
A -> TC “Well you already have ice on your page copy that first”
TC -> A “but I need to spell ice-cream”
A -> TC “ Write down ICE