Winter weather, and the subsequent use of indoor heat to stay warm, often dries the skin. For those who already suffer from sensitive scalps, this can result in dry, itchy skin on the scalp. Whether you suffer from extremely dry skin, psoriasis, or some other scalp condition, the itching is enough to drive you crazy. Not to mention all that scratching often loosens dead skin and results in unsightly flaking that can get on your furniture and clothing.
According to the Cleveland Clinic, the most common reasons for a dry, itchy scalp include dandruff, seborrheic dermatitus (yeast overgrowth), psoriasis, tinea capitis (fungal infection), head lice, and even allergic reactions. Changes in weather, stress, and other environmental factors can …show more content…
And, even though it isn’t serious, if left untreated, you can develop secondary issues, such as a fungal infection.
Fortunately, dermatologist Dr. Gary L. Marder created a solution for those suffering itchy, irritating scalp conditions. Dr. Marder created the line to bring a solution to everyone, even those who can't afford to visit a dermatologist frequently. Scalp Therapy TOTAL RELIEF™ Shampoo and TOTAL RELIEF™ CONDITIONER contains botanicals and natural extracts to help relieve dandruff and itching and heal your scalp to prevent further itch attacks.
The formula is different from other dandruff products on the market. For example, the shampoo contains maximum strength cortisone, which is sometimes used to treat psoriasis. The system bridges the gap between traditional dandruff treatments and those who need a little something more to cure their dry, flaky skin. Dr. Marder’s Total Relief system will soothe your itchy skin and allow your scalp to begin healing from the dryness and abuse of rough treatment. A healthy scalp is vital to a healthy head of beautiful, shiny