Points to consider when planning and purchasing meals for large groups :
1. Type of people -
Type of work
Eating habits
2. Nature of occasion-
Items appropriate to occasion must be worked into the menu example Christmas -> ham, turkey, fruit cake.
3. Good nutrition- the 6 food groups are in all meals. Will ensure that all recommended nutrients are included
4. Color and texture - this will stimulate and enhance appetite and encourage ppl to eat
5. Variety- people get tired of the same thing and are always looking out for something different.
Variety can be achieved in four ways:
- method of preparation
-type of food served
-ideas for service.
-food temperature (one hot and cold item)
-season of the year
-skill and preparation of person
-kitchen equipment
-form- shapes,sizes and textures
-size of dining room
Safety in large scale food preparation and service
1. Food, work place and storage spaces for the food ,dishes and utensils should be clean , rodent and insect proof.
Guidelines for choosing a refrigerator
1. Size and capacity required
2. Amount of money available
3. Space available in the kitchen
4. Storage arrangement inside the refrigerator
5. Star rating for frozen food arrangement
6. Additional features ex : ice maker, water dispenser, automatic defrosting, digital temperature display
7. Workmanship of the refrigerator and its finish
Compartments in a refrigerator
-refrigerator compartment
-chiller tray
Star Ratings
The star ratings on a refrigerator indicates the temperature of the freezer compartment and the length of time for which frozen foods can be stored.
Star Rating Temp Storage Time
1 star -6 C up to one week
2 stars -12 C up to one month
3 stars