Prof. Nyland
ENG 152, OM17
April 11, 2012
Larry’s Fate
The loss of a family member is a tragic event, which can deeply influence one’s psyche. When that family member took his or her precious life, and one feels that they are the blame; that can cause someone to go into a psychotic state of mind. This is going to be the fate of Larry. His dearest little sister Katrina fell to the darkness of depression and killed herself. She has always been extremely attached to her older brother Larry ever since they were little. Later in life, Katrina tried to keep in touch with her older brother and was persistent in asking him to see her; but he never did. In receiving the letter of his sister giving up on life, I feel that he will blame himself for this horrendous event and will commit suicide. There were signs that showed he blamed himself due to is lack of attentiveness, PTSD is common with events such as this, and Stephen Kings writing would not allow a sequel that was “happily ever after.”
Deep down Larry feels that he is a part of the reason why Kitty died. You can get the sense that he feels this way throughout the story from the very beginning when he says “People move around so much now, and it’s funny how those crossed-off addresses and change-of-address stickers can look like accusations” (King). This tells me already that there is guilt, which is being expressed. This is something small, which he did not have that much control over and yet still feels guilty. Larry starts to talk about how close they were as younger kids, then tells us that the older they became the less close they were. For example, Larry tells us how she would send him long letters about what is going on in her life, and that he should visit her soon. He said how he did not have any time due to being in law school or having a job, so he never visited her (King). As the story proceeds, the reader can get a stronger feeing of disappointment and pure guilt for what happened
Bibliography: King, Stephen. IT. Derry: Phantasia Press, 1986. King, Stephen. "Last Rung on the Ladder." King, Stephen. Last Rung on the Ladder. Anchor Books in New York, 1978. 438. Onling Computer Center Library, Inc. World Cat, Identities. 2010. 9 April 2012 <>. Porter, Benjamin. Post Traumatic Disorder . July 2010. April 2012 <>. Third Age Media. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Risk Factors . 1997-2012. 09 April 2012 <>.