Have you notised that there are many public arts in Portland? At least I can see five public arts from my dorm, St Epler, to a class room in Neuberger Hall everyday. You must have seen an engel in a small PSU fountain or a few broken stoned tires along SW 6th Ave. They are silent and you might easily miss them, but actually there are large number of public arts in Portland. A Portland public art map of Regional Arts& Culture Council shows even in central city, there are more than a hundred of public arts (2010). In general it is said that to enjoy art makes your life rich, and I would like to introduce how interesting arts are in Portland. However, all public arts do not belong to the same committee and they are a lot. So I would like to choose one organization which is in charge of a big public art project, Max of TriMet. Max is an appropriate topic to start with, because it is one of the closest unions for Portland residents’ daily life, and this year, 2012, is the twentieth anniversary of the founding of the Max Portland art project. To get people’s more interests about artstic Portland city, this paper would discuss about the 20 years’ achievements of TriMet art project in terms of history and famous artistic objects. As long as living in Portland, everyone knows Max light rail is playing essential role in there. TriMet first made Eastside MAX Blue Line in 1986 which connects Gresham and Portland City Center. In 1992, they have got the idea of decorating stations with arts. TriMet explains “The goal of TriMet’s Public Art Program is to promote increased transit usage and community pride by integrating permanent and temporary art work into the public transit system, which celebrate the contribution of public transportation and recognize the cultural richness in the region.” They have carried out this project for MAX since 1997. They made Westside MAX Blue Line which
Cited: Draft Banyas, R., Priester, M., & Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon. (1998). Westside Light Rail public art guide: A guide to integrated artwork on Westside MAX. Portland, Or: Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon. Bray, A. (2002). The Community Is Watching, and Replying: Art in Public Places and Spaces. Leonardo, 35(1), 15-21. doi:10.1162/002409402753689263 Leason, N. C., & Orloff, C. (1983). Portland 's public art: A guide and history. Portland, Ore.: Western Imprints. Priester, M., & Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon. (2004). Interstate MAX public art guide. Portland, Or: TriMet. Trimet. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://trimet.org/publicart/index.htm