MT 302 Behavioral Organization
Unit 5 Assignment
March 25, 2015
Professor Bellamy
Geert Hofstede, was a Dutch Social Psychologist who use to work for IBM as a representative and created his unique model which was called the "Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions Theory". By directing an overall study of worker or employee values and applying certain factors to analyze the results. The result was one of the first quantifiable theories on the impact of difference between societies in job satisfaction. This research compares the job satisfaction across different countries and how they are impact in each country.
In order to have an understanding of this study we have to compare the results of three different countries. The countries that are chosen are USA, which is a developed and economic super power. China is a rapidly growing and developing country, while Pakistan, a nation with more long-term orientation.
Power Distance
Uncertainty Avoidance
Long Term Orientation
40 (avg)
91 (V high)
62 (high)
46 (avg)
26 (v low)
68 (high)
80(V high)
20 (v low)
66 (high)
87 (V high)
24 (v low)
55(V high)
50 (low)
70 (V high)
50(V high)
0 (v low)
(Hofstede, Geert, 2015)
Comparison of Countries:
USA, is one of the oldest democracies, the power distance is average while its very high in China, a communist country and also average in Pakistan. In Pakistan, the people believe that the power is concentrated only among a very few people and is not open to the commoners. Individualism is high in USA and with Pakistan having a very low score of 14 it is considered a collectivistic society. This is manifest in a close long-term commitment to the member 'group', be that a family, extended family, or extended relationships. Loyalty in a collectivist culture is paramount, and over-rides most other societal rules and regulations. The society fosters strong relationships