Franz Liszt
Gypsies are a nomadic tribe. They are said to have come from Northern - India over 1,000 years ago. Being a nomadic tribe they don’t have a specific residence and travel from place to place. Their most precious possession is their music. They carry it with pride and glory in their hearts as it is a symbol of their past, their ancestors and from where they first began. The music they carry with them is beautiful, powerful, earthly, yet humble. Music to them is like religion. It consoles them and comforts them in the bleakest of times. It is their language to express their hearts truest and deepest emotions. The documentary “Latcho Drom” is an excellent film on the journey of Gypsy culture as told through their music and dance. It shows us the ocean of difficulties and discrimination gypsies face, but more importantly it gives us an insight into the significance of music to them. Singing since they were born, music plays a pivotal role in their lives. The songs they sing are handed down from generations past. This is a music that has been adapted to each region, while keeping its historical heritage intact. It gives voice to a heart, and expresses emotions from the deepest recess of the soul. This collective expression bonds the community and it is within these nurturing bonds that children are born and grow up, retaining their identify for a thousand years, and many more to