In the short story “Lather and Nother Else” by Hernado Tellez, a barber during the civil war in Combuia who is introduced to his enemy soldier Torres. But Torres does not know that the barber is the enemy and gently sits in the chair. The author writes, ”I returned to the task of lathering his beard. My hands began to shake”. Paragraph 15, This evidence explains that the barber is so tempted to kill this man because he knows it's his enemy but is so freaked out because he is right in his hands. Another piece of evidence in “Lamb to the slaughter” to explain pov At that point, Mary Maloney simply walked up behind him and without any pause …show more content…
I cut a few slices off the bar of soap and let them fall into the bowl. I added a little warm water and stirred it with the brush. It soon began to lather. Paragraph 1, This evidence explains how the barber is mixing the soap, not knowing that the enemy is the barber's enemy. Another piece of setting evidence in "Sea Devil” the short story creates a setting because the man is in his boat but does not know what is lurking under it. The point of the evidence is “the water was less than four feet deep”. Paragraph 3, explaining how the water was not deep enough to expect