LULAC is the oldest and largest Latino Civil Rights organization in the country, and I felt that its mission aligned with my own. I saw the many social injustices present in America, and joining LULAC helped fine-tune my awareness of what I am capable of in order to help my community. As president of the council, I took my interest in political science and government and facilitated many events to improve the well-being of the Latino community. By educating the Latino student population on the different matters of the political process, I felt establishing the groundwork for their own active participation in social improvement was
LULAC is the oldest and largest Latino Civil Rights organization in the country, and I felt that its mission aligned with my own. I saw the many social injustices present in America, and joining LULAC helped fine-tune my awareness of what I am capable of in order to help my community. As president of the council, I took my interest in political science and government and facilitated many events to improve the well-being of the Latino community. By educating the Latino student population on the different matters of the political process, I felt establishing the groundwork for their own active participation in social improvement was