The show is an about a young Latino woman who becomes pregnant when she is a virgin by an artificial insemination accident. This show is destroying Latino stereotypes for several reasons. Jane is a strong and independent woman working in a hotel. She is a part of American society without assimilating herald to be American. The show used her Latino identity to show different aspects of the culture to give the viewing audience a better understanding of the culture. The show overall refutes the Latino stereotypes of Latina women only work as maids, Latinos are uneducated and poor, and Latinos do not speak English
The show is an about a young Latino woman who becomes pregnant when she is a virgin by an artificial insemination accident. This show is destroying Latino stereotypes for several reasons. Jane is a strong and independent woman working in a hotel. She is a part of American society without assimilating herald to be American. The show used her Latino identity to show different aspects of the culture to give the viewing audience a better understanding of the culture. The show overall refutes the Latino stereotypes of Latina women only work as maids, Latinos are uneducated and poor, and Latinos do not speak English