Wesley Living Solutions is a home health care service institution that is located in Cordova, Tennessee. They have over 40 years of experience. Wesley Living Solutions offers senior housing, assisted living, and home services. They help clients with health issues and general physical welfare. Wesley Living Solutions provides compassionate assistance in a home-like environment. This home health care agency is a corporate partner of Communities of Quality.…
This patient was admitted for shortness of breath, fever and chills. He has a history of cystic fibrosis, with secondary diabetes.…
An adult male received a liver transplant a week ago. The nurse notes that he has developed a rash on his palms that itch and hurt. Which finding of GVHD is most important for the nurse to report to the healthcare provider?…
HISTORY AND PHYSICAL EXAMINATION OR EMERGANCY DEPARTMENT TREATMENT RECORD Patient Name : Benjamin Engelhart Patient ID : 112592 Date of Birth : 10/05/1958 Age : 46 Sex : Male Date of Admission : 11/14/2014 Emergency Room Physician : Alex McClure, MD…
underlying cause of the problem needs to be investigated. The platelet count is normal. The…
This is a followup dermatology clinic visit. See Dr. Tara Stewart's dermatology consult from 05/13/2016. The patient has posterior hip herpetic neuralgia over his right neck continues to be troublesome for him. He says his other issues that were discussed in May are much improved. These consisted of apparently some scales and scaly macules and patches over his chest, arms, shoulders, neck, and ears that had some crusting. This he says is all improved and doing well. He is currently followed in the Pain Clinic for his post herpetic neuralgia. His cutaneous issues improved about one month after the dermatology clinic visit in 05/2016. He is now concerned about residual pain in his right scalp and neck and one itchy site on his right thigh that comes…
On 08/20/2017, the claimant had Crohn's colitis and had Remicade infusion. On 10/23/2015, the claimant had complaints of itching on his back and some on his upper arms. His back had redness and whelps. He had Remicade infusion during visit.…
The clinical manifestations Ms. G presents with are the round, yellow-red, 2 cm open wound on her left lower leg that has a moderate amount of thick yellow drainage; she has pain in the leg and is unable to bear weight on the leg. She has a fever and chills which are symptoms of an infection. First and foremost a history, physical and medicine reconciliation should be performed. It is important to know what medications the patient is on and has been taking, what risk factors she has, and what other medical conditions she may be battling. The labs show an elevated white blood cell…
Patient is 63 year old African American/Black male. Patient was brought in emergency department. The patient wife said he has been complaining of unusual stomach pains. According to the patients wife before bringing him in to the emergency room he was vomiting blood.…
Painful Erythema, Oedema, Oral Ulcers are present. Patient only able to ingest liquids or may require IV hydration…
A rash appears in a day or two, first on the face, then on the body. The spots are flat (on light skin they're pale pink).…
His vital signs are as follows: BP 172/100, heart rate 92, and a temp of 102.2 F. The results from the lab results are as followed: RBC 3.1 million, WBC 22,000, K+ 5.4 mEq/L, Ca 6.8 mg/dL, phosphate is 4.3 mEq/L, urea is 37 mg/dL, creatinine 2.0 mg/dL, albumin is 2.9 mg/dL, and pH is 7.29 after these abnormal labs a Chemistry Panel was drawn. Labe results of the Chemistry Panel are as followed: Protein 1.7 gm/24 hours, GFR of less than 30 ml/minute, and urine sediment showed presence of gram negative bacilli, presence of white blood cells, presence of red blood cells, and granular and waxy casts.…
Raymond, a 50 yo pilot, was working a transatlantic flight when he noticed an uncommon stiffness and pain in his left leg. Upon rubbing the area he noticed it felt hot. He had played touch football the day before so he passed it off as soreness or a bruise. He also remembered that he had been stung by a bee during the match and that area was also red and swollen with a hard knot. As the flight progressed the pain became more and more intense and he noticed his foot swelling and there was a reddish to his skin. He also felt feverish as if he were coming down with the flu.…
The patient is a 21 year old male who presented with a history of sudden onset of abdominal pain, first generalized, and then localizing to the RLQ. The pain was accompanied with anorexia and nausea. It has become increasingly more severe over the past 3 hours so that the patient now cannot walk. He had one episode of vomiting, and has a low-grade fever of 100. On examination the patient…
PHYSICAL EXAMINATION: The patient is a well-developed, well-nourished male who appears to be in moderate distress with pain and swelling in the upper left arm. VITAL SIGNS: Blood pressure 140/90, temperature 98.3 degrees Fahrenheit, pulse 97, respiration 18.HEENT: Head normal, no lesions. Eyes, arcus senilis, both eyes. Ears, impacted cerumen, left ear. Nose, clear. Mouth, dentures fit well, no lesions. NECK: Normal range of motion in all directs. INTEGUMENTARY: Psoriatic lesion, right thigh, approximately 1 mL in diameter. CHEST: Clear breath sounds bilaterally. No rales or rhonchi noted. HEART: Normal sinus rhythm. There is a holosystolic murmur. No friction rubs noted. ABDOMEN: Normal bowl sounds. Liver, kidneys, and spleen are normal to palpitation. GENITALIA: Tests normally descended bilaterally. RECTAL: Prostate 2+ and benign. EXTREMITIES: Pain and swelling noted above…