English 103 AS01
Dr. Dave Buchanan
March 21 2014
Personal fulfillment is not a genetic attribute; it is evolved individually over time, and changes in time it takes to achieve. Personal fulfillment is not deteriorated by lack of action, therefore it is subject to change, it may increase or decrease in a person’s life. A individual can acquire personal fulfillment through family, friends, exposure and environment. The Rez
Sisters is a play written by Tomson Highway. Readers are introduced to seven extravagant characters, all of whom are residents of Wasaychigan Hill Indian Reserve, in Manitoba
Island, Ontario. These seven characters are sisters, halfsisters, a sisterinlaw and an adopted niece, known all together as the Rez sisters. Each one of these women are on their own journey to selffulfillment, wanting to acquire confidence, peace of mind and simply, to be satisfied with their life. The women raise money to fund a trip to The Biggest
Bingo in the World, where they could potentially win the jackpot and fulfill their most desired wishes. In the preparation and on the journey, the women reveal their stories and their relationships with each other. In the play The Rez Sisters, Tomson Highway uses Bingo to symbolize the risks and gambles that life possesses, Pelajia’s hammer to symbolize the ability to create, build and even reshape destiny, and the color black which signifies strength and empowerment in order to depict the essentials an individual must have in order to acquire personal fulfillment whatever it may be.
First, when readers are introduced to Pelajia Patchnose she is dressed in men’s
attire and “is alone on the roof of her house, nailing shingles on” (1113). It symbolizes a woman who is not bound by culturally
Cited: Pierce, Stacia. “Why Taking Risks Comes with Great Rewards.” The Huffington Post 11 Nov 2013: P1. Print. Ellis Davidson, H. R. "Thor 's Hammer." Folklore 76.1 (1965): 1. Publisher Provided Full Text Searching File. Pp. 45. Web. 12 Mar. 2014. Krasner, David. "The Rez Sisters." Theatre Journal 46.(1994): 399. Biography Reference Bank (H.W. Wilson). Web. 21 Mar. 2014. “Color Meanings and Symbolism”. War Paths 2 Peace Pipes. Web. 19 March 2014. Gwynn, R.S. Wanda, Cambell. Tomson, Highway. “A Pocket Anthology”. “The Rez Sisters” (pp.1112pp.1167). Toronto. Pearson Education Canada. 2nd ed. 2009.