Tutorial Programme 2013
Tutorial hand-in assignments
Weekly hand-ins will be a primary component of your tutorial work.
• Tutorial hand-ins must be submitted in hard copy into your tutors’ pigeon holes with your name, student number, tutor and tutorial group number clearly marked, and electronically on VULA by 12:00 p.m. on the Monday of the week in which it is due.
• Weekly hand-ins not submitted in the week that they are due (i.e. Fridays at 12:00 noon at the latest) will not be marked.
• Tutorial hand-ins submitted after the last day of the term will only be accepted for DP purposes.
In term 1 the highest mark received for a tutorial hand-in will contribute towards the 10% allocated for your tutorial mark. . The same will apply to tutorial hand-ins in the second term. In other words, the two (2) highest marks obtained for your tutorial hand-ins will collectively contribute towards the 10% allocated for tutorial work.
Tutorial hands-ins for the First Term
Tutorial 1: Week of 22 July
No tutorial hand-in this week. General overview of the course and discussion of week 1’s topic (led by tutors):
1. Distinguish between the civil service as a set of ‘organisations’ and a set of ‘institutions’, and describe what is meant by the civil service becoming ‘institutionalised’
2. What are the implications of civil service institutionalisation for its power, discretion, and accountability?
Tutorial 2: Week of 29 July
Students must prepare and submit a 2 page hand-in on the following:
1. What is meant by the term institutional rationalism in relation to the civil service?
2. Describe some characteristics of institutional rationalism
3. Compare and contrast Max Weber’s institutional rationalist conception of the civil service with that of Luther Gulick
Tutorial 3: Week of 5 August
Students must prepare and