Ludin E. Bello
University of Phoenix
Business Law
Law 531
Julie A. Gibbons
February 09, 2009
Alternative Dispute Resolution Assignment
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) clauses are established to resolve differences between two parties. ADR clauses can be formal, such as a written process, or informal, such as a verbal agreement between both parties. The purpose of this paper is to provide an appropriate ADR clause that can be use by any learning team, which provides a clear path of how to resolve future disputes among team members. The ADR clause will include all necessary information that are subject to the ADR clause, and all necessary provisions that will enable ADR to occur (Jennings, 2006).
The following Alternative Dispute Resolution will be establish upon the principles set forth according to the University of Phoenix’s Learning Team Tool kit found on the university’s website. The team’s tool kit consists on the following: Team decision strategies; Managing Learning Team Conflict; Effective and Ethical Decisions; Sources and Solutions that addresses conflicts; and Conflicts and Cohesions in groups (University of Phoenix, n.d.). In order to maintain a strict set of standards of conduct, every team …show more content…
In the Team Charter the following will be outlined: all members will provide a reasonable way to be in contact; the member’s expectations of the team; how conflict resolution will be addressed; and an alternative dispute resolution agreement when mutual agreement is not achieved. In the case where an agreement is not reached, the instructor reserves the right to direct the group to the team charter. This decision made by the instructor is final and cannot be disputed, unless it breaches the contract between the University of Phoenix and the student’s