About Us
About A. R. Technologies : A. R. Technologies established in 2004 based in Multan to give e-solutions to different businesses by providing quality Softwares & Websites to its Customers. This Website give you the idea of our Solution.
A Message From Chairman A. R. Technologies:
Mr. Fahad-Ul-Haq Khan
This website is developed & designed to meet all the requirements of Legal Fraternity and we feel proud to serve you with a unique solution to find the caselaws and statutes. This website is affordable, reliable, faster, and 100% uptime means no interuption in your work 24x7. We are trying to give more facilities to Legal Fraternity, and for this purpose, we require your comments and suggestion.
Mobile No: 092-300-7310776 092-302-3722221 E-Mail Address : fahadkhan@pljlawsite.com
A. R. Technologies Team
About Punjab Bar Council: Punjab Bar Council established in 1974 as a result of the promulgation of Legal Practitioners and Bar Councils Act, 1973. PBC Consists of Advocate-General of Province and Members elected by Advocates across the Province.
A Message From Chairman P.L.J. Committee:
Mr. Mian Mazhar Hussain,
Dear Colleagues, I congratulate you on the inauguration of the PLJ Website , which i have succeeded to launch after strenuous personal efforts, since as Chairmanship, pretty major chunk of responsibilities was of mine. You can consult the upto date caselaws and enactments, surfing the site. It will definitely save your precious time and energy. You can view the site at ten times low price as compared to other contemorary sites. So make the best of the revolutionary opportunity and appraise me of your regardful opinions. THANKS.
Rafaqat Ali Sohal
Editor P.L.J.
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