Intention – SOCIAL OR DOMESTIC- do not intend to create legal relations. Balfour v Balfour (1912)
Categories of rebuttal – The nature of the document (if drafted by solicitor)
- Agreement may expressly state legal relations
- Surrounding Circumstance may indicate intention Merritt v Merritt (1970)
-Significant reliance on promise- consequences are sufficiently serious. Wakeling v Ripley (1951) - COMMERCIAL NATURE- do intend to create legal relations. Edwards v Skyways (1964)
Rebutted- Rose & Frank Co v JR Crompton & Bros Ltd (1925)
Letters of Comfort- State of current intentions for the future. Provide Comfort, not assurance. (Kleinwort Benson Ltd v Malaysia Mining Corporation Berhad [1981]
Agreement- has been a valid offer and that it has been accepted. Manifestation by 2 or more persons to the substance of the contract. Would a reasonable person think an agreement had been entered. Can be shown by conduct. Does not have to be express words “I accept your offer”
1. Offers must be distinguished from an invitation to treat or request for information. – Intention to make offer- Carlill v Carbolic Smoke Balls Co. (1893) * Display of goods- Invitation to Treat. Pharmaceutical Society v Boots Cash Chemists. * Request for info does not create offer- Harvey v Facey [1893] 2. Offers must be communicated to the person or persons for whom it was intended. 3. Offer can be made to particular person, persons or whole world. – smoke balls case. 4. Offers may terminate- Revocation- Dickinson v Dodds Revocation must be communicated. * Rejection: Offeree says no. * Counter-offer: offeree makes counter offer. Rejects original offer. Hyde v Wrench [1840] * Lapse of Time- specified time, or reasonable lapse. Ramsgate Victoria Hotel Co Ltd v Montefiore [1866] * Lapse by Death- Carter v Hyde * Lapse by Failure of Condition: condition must happen before agreement becomes contract.