Law Enforcement Today
Law Enforcement Today
There are a lot of problems in today’s police departments.
Starting with the closings of many police stations, which are being
replaced with mini sub-stations. These sub stations are supposed to be
helping the police with rough neighborhoods by placing them right in
the center of them. It is not helping much at all.
Crime is everywhere and there are not enough police to go
around. Police departments are taking cuts in budgets and even laying
officer’s off or sending them off to different departments because their
budgets are not big enough to pay their salaries. Officers are being
spread so thin because their jurisdictions have been stretched so far that
they are becoming irritable, and in some cases they just give up. It does
not help when the different departments do not communicate with each
“Information sharing between federal, state, and local agencies is
a key element of the U.S. government’s homeland security strategy.”
(Hamilton Bean, Volume V, No. 2, 2009.) After 9/11 happened federal
officials posted a 9/11 threat environment which requires a “trusted
partnership,” between local, state, and federal agencies. This would help
with information sharing effective to ensure national security. This is
very important to help secure our country, and it would also help with
solving murders, kidnappings, etc.
Some believe that this is not what is happening. The different
agencies argue and fight over jurisdictions. Local and state agencies do
not like to call in the federal
References: William V. Pelfrey, “The Cycle of Preparedness: Establishing a Framework to Prepare for Terrorist Threats,” Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management 2, no. 1 (2005): 9,