If I were developing a training program for in-service officers, I would focus on technology and how to leverage it by law enforcement officers. There are many resources out there that if used it could benefit the budget, responsiveness, and overall quality.
2. What aspects of training do you believe most need evaluation and what methods would you develop to evaluate today’s effectiveness of training?
I personally believe that the impact on most training needs to be evaluated in greater detail. An agency can provide extensive training over and over again but if the training is not impacting the officers …show more content…
They are responsible for completing and maximizing the training, tasks, and opportunities. With that being said, it is the organization duty to provide the time and financial support for the employees to be developed.
4. When would you use external training programs?
I would use external training program if the agency is unable to provide the necessary training and/ or the external training is more cost effective. There would need to be a business need which makes sense.
5. What are the major considerations in developing a law enforcement training program?
Some of the major consideration in developing a law enforcement training program are: who is the learner, what is to be learned, and the context in which the training is provided.
It is important to know who the training needs to be tailored to, their learning styles as well as their education lever. It is also important to consider what needs to be learned and the best way of teaching/ learning the information.
6. What would you include in a law enforcement training philosophy statement?
I would include three things in a law enforcement training philosophy statement: management’s attitude toward training, the extent of resources to devote to it and the training’s purpose and its …show more content…
It discusses the idea that typically the government and military are many years behind the private sector which is important when looking at distance learning. It also discusses possible formats which could be beneficial for law enforcement, such as gaming format.
Work Cited:
Hess, K., & Orthmann, C. (2012). Management and Supervision in Law Enforcement (6th ed.). Clifton Park, New York: Delmar Cengage Learning.
Leal, J. (2009). E-learning and Online Education: Implications for the Future of Law Enforcement Training. World Future Review (World Future Society), 1(3), 22-28. Retreived from http://web.a.ebscohost.com.library.dbu.edu:2048/ehost/pdfviewer/pdfviewer?sid=b9c63f4c-878c-432b-96e6-8a037f0a3ade%40sessionmgr4001&vid=7&hid=4207
Martinez, L. (2006, May). Learning online: Internet educational opportunities have opened new doors for many officers. Law Enforcement Technology, 33(5), 84+. Retrieved from