Ethical Dilemma Worksheet
Incident Review
1. What is the ethical issue or problem? Identify the issue succinctly.
There are two problem in the law enforcement scenario. The officers know that in order to arrest an individual for driving while under the influence, the must have seen the individual driving the vehicle in which they did not. The second, to arrest an individual for domestic violence, the officers must have either observed the assault or the victim must injuries that visible. What are the officers to do when there training and experience is telling them that the individual was drinking and driving and the 911 operator indicated the domestic violence has taken place? The officers do not have enough proof for either problem they face.
2. What are the most important facts? Which facts have the most bearing on the ethical decision presented? Include any important potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts.
The wife call the police to report domestic violence. When he officers arrived, they saw the husband stumbling into the house and dropped something which looked like car keys. The officers saw one car on the road which was still warm. The husband is slurring his words and has other objective symptoms of intoxication. The husband has failed the field sobriety tests which revealed his alcohol level was .20. If the officers arrest the husband because they believe he was driving under the influence, the conviction will be thrown out since the officers did not observe him driving. If the officers arrest the husband for domestic violence, the case will also be thrown out because they did not witness an assault and there are no visible injuries. If the officers arrest the husband on their faith that the case will stick they can risk disciplinary actions.
3. Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this ethical issue. From the perspective of the