Legal Studies
‘Law of Defamation’
Tutor: $%£@%^^$@@
Student: £^£@@$^@$^^%%£
Class: $£%&*@*((@&^
Table of Contents
Table of Contents 2
Terms of Reference 3
Methodology 4
Findings 5 Section 1. 5 The Law of Tort 5 The Law of Defamation 7 Section 2 8 Criteria for establishment of a case of a defamation 8 Section 3 10 The Defamation Act 2009 V The Defamation Act 1961 10 Section 4 12 Analysing of Defamation Case 12
Bibliography 16
Appendix 17
Terms of Reference
This assignment, was requested by tutor, Legal Studies Teacher and it is the second assignment of the Legal Studies Module requested by the Fetac Level 5 Award and is essential to get a full FETAC certificate. This assignment should be submitted in a form of a structured report on the Irish Legal system. Should include a comprehensive evaluation of the topic, well-structured and well-presented, should be compiled by using the house-style form for compiling a report.
This report was mostly compiled by using the secondary research technique. This means that to get all necessary information and to be able to write this report several books, magazines and various web-sited were browsed and read.
The main book used to gather information for this report was Keenan, A. “Essentials of Business Law”. The main web-sited used was
Class notes, lectures attended were very helpful too.
Section 1.
The Law of Tort
A tort is a civil, as opposed to a criminal, wrong for which the normal remedy is a common law action for unliquidated damages.[1] As being a civil wrong Law of Tort deals usually only with private disputes between persons or organizations. When the criminal cases involve an action that is considered to be harmful to society as a whole. In civil law, a private party (e.g., a corporation or individual person) files the lawsuit and becomes the plaintiff. In criminal law, the litigation
Bibliography: 1. Keenan, A. (2008) Essentials of Business Law, Dublin: Gill&Macmillan 2 Corway v. Independent Newspapers (Ireland) Limited [1999] IESC 5; [1999] 4 IR 485; [2000] 1 ILRM 426 (30th July, 1999) THE SUPREME COURT IN THE MATTER OF THE DEFAMATION ACT, 1961 and JUDGMENT of the Court delivered on the 30th day of July, 1999, by Barrington J. Section 13.1 of the Defamation Act, 1961, provides as follows:- “Every person who composes, prints or publishes any blasphemous...