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Supporting ideas: Supporting ideas
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Appendix 2
Technology simplifies modern life. Argue for or against the statement First and foremost, today's generation is not like old generation. Time is moving and same thing when it comes to technology.For instance, in the past people did face many difficulties when they perform their duties because by that time things like washing machines were not yet invented so most things were done in a natural way,some how I would say especially when they clean their clothes, whereas, today everybody cleans her or their hands from chemical elements which is in the soap of washing clothes, so, washing-machine is so important and required.
for instance, students are the most people who need technology in their life, especially the Internet, today’s students are more open for the world rather than before, for instance, in the past students just used the books to do their search because their subjects were easy, simple and short, whereas, nowadays students are more development, advance and independence. Therefore, they need something which helps them to perform their search overcome the difficulties which students were face them before.
There are certain types of technology that have definitely simplified my life. For example, most labor saving devices