• Article 38B of the Constitution provides for a very important principle regarding children
- the best interest of the child is to be the primary consideration in relation to all matters involving children. So your best interests are what is to be the guide for your upbringing and development.
• Article 38C of the Constitution also provides that where a child is to be adopted, the best interest of the child must be taken into consideration before the adoption is allowed.
• Article 38D is another very important provision in relation to the welfare of children as it provides that every child has the right to maintenance and accommodation or housing from his or her parents and guardians.
• Article 38E highlights how important education is and states that formal education is compulsory or a must for children up to the age of 15 years.
These constitutional principles must guide Parliament, the government, the courts and all other public agencies and officials regarding how they carry out their functions and duties in relation to ensuring that children have the best environment in which to grow and develop.
Protection of Children Act 2009
• The Protection of Children Act was passed to ensure that children are protected from threatening situations and allows for children in vulnerable and harmful circumstances to be assisted and or cared for by the Childcare and Protection Agency. This Act came into force from May 20, 2010.
What does the Protection of Children Act, 2009 have to say?
• The Protection of Children Act states that the most important consideration in relation to children is their best interests. This means that the Court and any other body or entity has to make sure that the best interests of the child are considered when they make any decisions regarding a child’s safety, health and well-being.
What are the consequences of not reporting?