The main goal of our project “LDR Based Automatic Lamp Illumination” is to control the switching of Lights automatically according to the Light Intensity. This allows us to realize the task efficiently and effectively without the intervention of human by making it automated.
The important consideration in the present field of Electronics and Electrical related technologies are Automation, Power consumption and cost effectiveness. Automation is intended to reduce manpower with the help of intelligent systems and Power saving is the main consideration forever as the source of the power(Thermal, Hydro etc.,)are getting diminished due to various reasons .This project is designed around a ARM processor which forms the heart of the project. In our project we are going to make use of a sensor called LDR which stands for Light Dependent Resistor which senses the intensity of light. And accordingly the lights are made ON and OFF. The LDR is interfaced with ARM processor.The control unit consists of a ARM processor with its associated circuitry. According to this project, the Lights are made ON and OFF according to the Light Intensity with the help of solar energy.
The Solar Panel that we offer makes use of renewable energy from the sun and is a clean and environment friendly means of collecting solar energy. These solar panels are manufactured of high quality raw material; the panels give high performance and are suitable for power generation. Solar Panels offered by us are available in mono & multi-crystalline cells.
ARM 7 processor
Power supply
Embedded C
Express PCB
Batch No.6B ARAVIND REDDY V(10U11A04B8) RESHMA (10U11A0494) RAHUL REDDY P (10U11A0479) ANIL KUMAR V (109B1A0401)
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