NAME: ___Lucas Garcia________________________
Select the best answer
1. Which leadership style is most effective when the leader trusts the staff, has reliable staff and the task is not sensitive?
(a) Consult
(b) Tell
(c) Delegate
(d) Sell
2. Which communication style is the most effective at conveying information:
(a) Email
(b) Internal memorandum
(c) Face to face
(d) Letter
3. Which of the following is not a common characteristic of charismatic and transformational leadership?
(a) Vision
(b) Crisis situation
(c) Subordinate identification with leader
(d) A leader who possesses legitimate power
4. The ability to produce work that is novel and useful is?
(a) Creative intelligence
(b) Practical intelligence
(c) Analytical intelligence
(d) Left brain intelligence
5. Which of the following is not a distinction between a leader and a manager?
(a) Innovate v. Administer
(b) Reward v. Punishment
(c) Originate v. Initiate
(d) Inspire v. Control
6. Which of the following is a characteristic of Servant Leaders?
(a) Awareness
(b) Control
(c) Blame
(d) Positive Attitude A.
7. Which of the following is not a dimension of the Five Factor Model of Personality?
(a) Surgency (Extravert/Introvert)
(b) Adjustment
(c) Achievement
(d) Dependability
8. Which of the following is a dark side trait?
(a) Ambition
(b) Imaginative
(c) Sociability
(d) Adjustment
9. Which of the following is the most effective on causing behavioral change?
(a) e-learning
(b) Training seminars
(c) Targeted coaching
(d) On-the job assignments
10. Which of the following is not a form of moral justification?
(a) Acceptance
(b) Euphemistic labeling
(c) Advantageous comparison
(d) Diffusion of responsibility
11. Which of the following is a factor contributing to a shortfall in managerial competence?
(a) Inadequate compensation policies
(b) Lack of employee loyalty
(c) Lack of studies identifying leadership traits
(d) Employees