The title of my essay is architecture or reinvention, which puts forward the argument that a lot of people referred to my selected piece of Kurt Schwitters work, the Merz Building, as a piece of architecture. Personally I feel the Merz Building by Kurt Schwitters was not a piece of architecture, but more of a reinvention of an original architectural space. This title referrers to Le Corbusier as although it is still architecture, his aim partly is to reinvent crowded areas on his travels around the globe. Also I gathered information from a book titled ‘The Architecture of Reinvention’ and extracted my title from this.
Charles-Eduard Jeanneret Gris, who chose to be known as Le Corbusier was an architect in the early 19 hundreds. He was also an urban planner, sculptor, painter, writer and modern furniture designer. Le Corbusier was born in Switzerland in 1987 in La Chaux de Fonds, Switzerland, and became a French citizen in his 30’s and became famous for being a pioneer of modern architecture. A lot of Le Corbusier’s work during the 1920-1930 periods started from poetic suggestion, being inspired by Cendrars after his 1924 trip to South America. In later years Le Corbusier steered away from poetic suggestion and he returned to doctrinaire urban principles. A lot of Le Corbusier’s work was produced because he was dedicated to providing a better