There have been studies made by scientists on the issue of whether personality behaviours, including leadership qualities, are natural or learned. What many have found is that genetics do play a part in certain behavioural characteristics, such as shyness, intelligence, dominance, social presence and aggression. Critical pieces of leadership are really parts of your personality. You either have charisma or you don't. You were born with a love for hard work or you are lazy. You have self-confidence or you have self-loathing. You are intuitive, with tons of common sense, or you are impatient and impulsive. And most importantly, you are honest with yourself and can see where your faults lie.
There are two quotes with which I can agree. The first one said by the great William Shakespeare- "Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and some have greatness thrust upon them." Just as he said "some are born to be great". The other quote would be from Aristotle - 'some men are born to lead, and others to be led.' Just as he said some people are born with the ability to lead other.
On the other hand, it is said that there are no 'born' leaders; however we are all born with unique strengths that help us in our leadership journeys. When the opportunity to make a difference, people willingly risk stepping forward as a leader. There are nine behaviours that a leader should have in which there should be the ability of being able to influence others, encouraging teamwork, using multiple options thinking and others.