Assignment: Leadership Profile
Fabien SRAUY
12311416 26/06/2009
Table of Content
1. Introduction 3
2. Description of Napoleon 3
2.1. Napoleon’s Origins 3
2.2. His Political Career 4
2.3. Master of War 5
3. Charismatic Leadership Theory 7
4. The Path-Goal Theory 10
5. Napoleon Leadership Analysis 11
5.1. Napoleon’s Charismatic leadership 11
5.2. Path-Goal theory 12
6. Conclusion 13
References 14
1. Introduction
Talking about Leadership and leaders, many names can be mentioned. But one of the great leaders who have marked Europe and a large part of the world is Napoleon Bonaparte. To understand the impact he had on the modern world you just have to look around, mainly in France. All the typical architecture of Paris was designed by the Baron Haussmann originated by Napoleon himself and the main evidence of his legacy is the Napoleonic code which is still a fundamental text of the French law. Concerning his code Napoleon said: “My true glory is not to have won 40 battles… Waterloo will erase the memory of so many victories. … But… what will live forever is my Civil Code .” This code has is still enforced in a quarter of the world’s jurisdiction including Europe, the Americas and Africa. His story still fascinates many people all around the world.
2. Description of Napoleon
2.1. Napoleon’s Origins
Napoleon Bonaparte was born in Ajaccio on August 15th in1769, just one year after the treaty of Versailles which transferred Corsica from the Republic of Genoa to France. He was born into a noble family, his father, Carlo Maria Buonaparte, was Corsica’s representative to the court of Louis XVI in 1777. Thanks to his family’s connections, he was admitted to the military academy of Paris where he already showed good skills to command.
2.2. His Political Career
On November 19th, 1799, Napoleon, helped by his brother Lucien Bonaparte (speaker of the Council