This book is generously filled with a collection of research from various aspects of leadership, sources and well known individuals namely Warren Bennis, Fred Fiedler, James MacGregor Burns, Victor Vroom, Abraham Zaleznik and Robert House. It presents a collection of literatures on the traits of an exceptional leader. Reading this particular publication is like reading a complete literature review on leadership. It does cover most or maybe all possible edges of leadership which I can think of.
Author starts with distinguishing the transactional leader which had been primarily focused half a century before and the new-aged transformational leader. Later found in this book, the author‟s elaboration detailing on the criteria and characteristics of the transformationalist, as to name some such as charismatic, inspirational and intellectual. Other concepts and styles of leadership were also argued in this book like the practice of authoritarian, participative style, mentor - protégé approach, individualistic and quality circles practices.
Purposeful This book serves the purpose of being a medium to a better understanding on the overall concept of leadership. As mentioned above, this book is a