Multiple Choice Questions
1. The concept of employee participation is party of many management and leadership theories. Which one of the following does not include the concept of participation? (p. 248-249)
a. Theory X and Theory Y
b. Leader behavior research
c. Contingency models
d. Trait approach*
2. Ford Motor Co. is an example of a company that: (p. 249)
a. has moved fully towards team-based management
b. combines teams with more traditional structures*
c. continues to be successful without using teams
d. has found the use of teams highly challenging
3. Research indicates that organizations can reap many benefits from employee participation and involvement. Which of the following is not one of the typical programs used in today’s organizations? (p. 250)
a. group decision making
b. teams
c. social audits*
d. profit sharing
4. Space X company provides an example of a company that: (p. 249)
a. has moved fully towards team-based management
b. combines teams with more traditional structures*
c. continues to be successful without using teams
d. has found the use of teams highly challenging
5. Which is not a method of employee participation? (p. 250)
a. stock-option plans
b. empowerment
c. use of teams
d. humane orientation*
6. Royal Philips Electronics is counting on _________ to ________. (p. 250)
a. management; implement teams
b. employees; convince management about use of teams
c. teams; revive the company*
d. top leadership; move towards teams
7. Gerard Kleisterlee, CEO of Royal Philips, gathered people who wanted to make a contribution to the organization, regardless of rank. What process best describes this example? (p. 250)
a. employee participation*
b. self-managed teams
c. delegation
d. empowerment
8. Genencor International started its employee participation program: (p. 250)
a. when they built a new headquarters*
b. after the leadership team