"Traits" refers to the different traits that leaders need to possess in
"Traits" refers to the different traits that leaders need to possess in
My personal definition of leadership is individual who is strong, competent, and teachable and is willing and able to teach those that are being led. Leadership is about lifting up and not tearing down, building trusting relationships with those under your leadership. Leadership is someone who knows how to…
Leadership: the process of influencing the task and social dimensions of a group to help it reach its goal.…
There are many definitions of leadership. The Collins English dictionary defines leadership as “the leader(s) of a party or group.” Yet true leadership is much more than that. A leader can be the chief executive officer of an organization, or a first year employee who leads his or her team to success behind the scenes. A leader might lead through official authority and power, yet just as often great leaders lead through inspiration, persuasion and personal connections. Teaching others to be a leader is a daunting task within itself (Pankaew, 2013).…
Leadership is a term with a variety of definitions depending on the context that it’s been defined. One common definition of leadership is “the behavior of an individual directing the activities of a group toward a shared goal.” The following paragraphs would elaborate on one major approach of studying leadership, its strengths and weakness, and an example in which it was used in an organization. (Yukl, 2010)…
Leadership can be defined as process in which an individual influences a group of people to accomplish a common goal. The goal is achieved by cohesive behavior and mutual cooperation. A leader directs his or her followers to reach a specific goal and infuses sense of positivity in them (Meenakshi, n.d.).…
There is talk that the nursing shortage is over, but the facts show that there is a substantial nursing shortage which is projected to intensify over the next several years. This fact alone will increase the demand on the remaining nurses leading to nurse burn out and increased turnover rates. Nurses are the largest group of health care professionals in America, but the majority of the nurses are close to retirement age (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010). This paper will address the issue of nursing shortage, nurse turnover and how nurse leaders and managers are approaching these issues, along with the personal and professional philosophy of nursing of the author of this paper.…
Leadership as a concept or notion lends itself easily to myriad definitions. Manning and Curtis (2012) describes leadership as the social influence that results from the capacity to initiate ideas and deeds that others can follow. A leader often stands in front of others and they follow in his footsteps. According to Hopen (2010), “leadership is the capacity to guide or direct others” (p.4). To Fulwiler (2005), leadership is the ability to make people do what they normally would not do or go to places they normally would not go. Leadership can also be defined as the…
Which conceptualization of leadership most appeals to you? Which one least appeals to you? Why? Give examples.…
1. My definition of leadership is, an individual that can inspire a group to perform a task, no matter how unpleasant, quickly and efficiently. These skills are accumulated over a length of time, throughout a career and life experiences. These leadership skills I have developed were through interactions and guidance from leaders that were both inspirational and motivating. I endeavor to display these same traits outward to the people that have worked for me…
I agree with the above authors on their working definition of leadership. Both definitions focus on an important element , people. One cannot lead without followers. My personal definition of leadership is that it is the power to influence individuals through communication, motivation and trust to perform tasks to achieve a specific goal.…
Leadership is persuasion, not domination; persons who can require others to do their bidding because of their power are not leaders. Leadership only occurs when others willingly adopt, for a period of time, the goals of a group as their own. Thus, leadership concerns building cohesive and goal-oriented teams; there is a causal and definitional link between leadership and team performance.…
History shows an incredible amount of work in science and literature to define leadership and yet, no one has accomplished the task completely. This includes the authors of “An Integrative Definition of Leadership,” Kathleen Patterson and Bruce E. Winston. In the article, Winston and Patterson note the more than 26,000 articles available on leadership in 2003 of which they used 160 to construct the 91 dimensions of leadership (Patterson & Winston, 2006). The quest was to holistically define leadership. In the end, they find that the definition of leadership is somewhat ambiguous and tied to organizational culture so much that a pure and finite definition is likely impossible. However, the definition provided through their research is a definite evolution from earlier studies. The entire definition requires many pages so included here the first sentence, which is a concise summary of the whole definition.…
The definition of leadership is the action of leading a group of people or an organization. To me leadership consists much more than just heading a group of people. I believe leadership is about leading people to the right morals and lessons, not just taking control. Why there are many forms of leadership, a true leader must lead by example. A leader should take initiative and show their peers how to effectively work together, handle adversity and do what is right.…
My personal definition of leadership is the ability to inspire and motivate others to act towards a common purpose, through one’s personal words and actions. I have been very lucky to have many great leaders that have cared for me and my professional development throughout my life and career. Since graduating boot camp, and at every unit since, I have been exposed to both good and bad methods of leadership. Some people seem to rely strictly on their positional power to accomplish tasks and give orders from a place of authority. Others use a combination of authority and other personal strengths such as inspiration, motivation and humor.…
Leadership can be defined as a process by which one individual influences others toward the attainment of a group or organizational goals. There are three points about the definition of leadership that should be emphasized.…