Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another. That is especially true when you are looking at church leadership-past and present. From David to Nehemiah to church leaders of today, these leaders exercise some type of influence over the people they have lead or are leading.
Aubrey Malphurs takes the definition of leadership and turns it up another notch. Leaders just don’t have influence over the people they lead. They use their influence “to influence people in a particular context to pursue their God-given direction”.[1] In other words, it is the church leadership’s job to help the people they lead to see God and His work in their lives, to understand their purpose, actively pursue God’s plan for their life, and carry that plan out effectively.
Because of the heavy mandate that all church leadership carries, it is imperative for anyone who is in a leadership position to know their leadership style and his or her strengths and weaknesses as it pertains to leadership. The best way to do this is to do a self-elevation or use resources that will help you survey the effectiveness of your leadership.
During the first half of this course, I have been given the opportunity to read about qualities that a leader should possess. Along with the reading, the author has provided audits that when taken would help me to survey my leadership style and determine to what degree I possess these qualities. This leadership audit is a combination and analysis of the individual audits contained within the reading and will serve as a tool to boost my leadership skills to better serve those that I lead more effectively.
Christian Leader Audit
In chapter one, Malphurs discussed “eight distinctives of Christian leadership” and provides example of first-century church leaders.[2] The Christian Leader Audit helps to determine the overall strength that a person has as a Christian, not just a leader. It audits a person’s
Bibliography: [1] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders:The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership, (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Books:2003), Pg.10. [2] Ibid. [3] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders:The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership, (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Books:2003), Pg.52. [4] Aubrey Malphurs, Being Leaders:The Nature of Authentic Christian Leadership, (Grand Rapids, Michigan, Baker Books:2003), Pg.77.