1) Describe and compare the managerial behavior of Ben and Phil.
Managerial behavior of Ben and Phil
|Ben (Relations Oriented Behavior) |Phil (Task Oriented Behavior) |
|Ben Samuel was a plant manager for Consolidated Products for 10 |Phil Jones had a growing reputation as a manager who could get |
|years and he was well liked by the employees. |things done and he quickly began making changes. |
|Ben built fitness centre for the employees, liked to join the social|He cut the costs by trimming the number of activities such as the |
|activities sponsored by the plant, company picnics and holidays |fitness centre at the plant, company picnics and parties and human |
|parties (support). |relations training programs for supervisors (planning) |
|Ben knew most of the workers by name and he spent part of each day | |
|walking around the plant to visit with them and ask about their | |
|families or hobbies (recognition). | |
|Ben believed that it was important to treat employees so they would |Phil believed that training supervisors to be supportive was a waste|
|have sense of loyalty to the company (support). |of time (clarify) |
|Ben tried to avoid any layoffs when production demand was slack, |Phil reduced the frequency of equipment maintenance, which required |
|figuring that the company could not afford to lose skilled workers |machines to be idled when they could be productive. When business