ABSTRACT This assessment paper digs deep into the dynamics of peer coaching (PC) in developing leadership and managerial competency. It relates my experience and performance as a participant in the peer coaching scheme set up under the managerial effectiveness course unit of Curtin university school of business. In this PC process, I was a peer coach to Simpson and I acted both as a coach and coachee (Thorn; McLeod; Goldsmith 2007).The overview of my experience, performance and learning points are succinctly unwrapped in this paper. Also unearthed, is how the process provided me with good structures to anchor my development plan of building competency in the proper employment of participative decision-making (PDM) skill, one of the prerequisite skills towards moulding an altogether effective managerial and capable leadership skill sets which this course seeks to achieve for me. The final part of this assessment paper expounds the experiential learning principle with an attachment to peer coaching scheme and how it impacts on building competency in managerial effectiveness.
SECTION ONE PEER COACHING EXPERIENCE’S SUPPORT FOR MY DEVELOPMENT PLANS AND OUTCOMES The road to mastery of any activity is essentially a lifelong learning process that takes place over time (Quinn et al 2007). Just as one cannot become an expert swimmer by jumping into the deep end of the pool (Quinn et al 2007), building managerial competency into perennial enviable one will require one to channel, over a long coverage of time, constant efforts into activities that can shore up one in learning and consolidating one’s managerial effectiveness. Peer coaching is one experiential learning method that can be explored as an effective way to develop or enhance managerial competency (Ladyshewsky 2007). This report seeks to encapsulate how my coaching experience with my peer coach,
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