Define the conflict resolution model and explain your strategies for minimising conflict in you role including your obligations to keep records
BACAL R, states ‘….we can live with some conflict, what we can’t live with is conflict that is trivial, destructive, personal and a waste of time.’
To effectively deal with conflict within the workplace, managers should use proven conflict resolutions models, for example, CUDSA – Confront, Understand, Define, Search and Agree. By utilising this model managers should seek to identify and resolve the conflict in a positive manner. The ultimate goal should be to seek a resolution based on mutual gain.
1. Confront the situation
2. Understand each party’s situation
3. Define the problem/s
4. Search for and evaluate solutions
5. Agree upon and implement the best solution
“We all experience conflict in our lives. There's always been a lot of interest in how to manage conflict once it appears in the open, and that's important. What's not so common is a concern for preventing unnecessary conflict, so it doesn't start in the first place.” ASHFORTH., B.E.
CUDSA process allows managers to define a common, shared, or joint goal and develop a process to achieve it. It is a process in which both parties exchange information openly, defines their common problems, and creates options to solve these problems. And while the CUDSA process cannot guarantee that agreement will always be reached, more often than not, the analysis of parties’ interests, needs, and desires helps the resolution process and ultimate agreement. CUDSA provides 5 easy steps to follow:-
Successful resolution requires that you follow all the steps of CUDSA and keep accurate records of all incidents and meetings. If a step is missed, you risk sending the other party mixed signals that will; propel that party toward a defensive, competitive mode. The last step of Agreeing, mutually benefits everyone, as