fans jokingly voted him into the game as the captain of the Pacific division team.
The first attribute that Mr. Scott possesses is the ability to have a positive outlook. He didn’t want to be the butt end of some prank; he didn’t even know about it at first. Suddenly he was all over the media and had to make a decision regarding how to react. John took a step back, looked at the situation from a different perspective, and decided to be positive. He was forced into the situation but he went along with the joke and even became invested in the tournament. He became the epitome of maturity and positivity leading up to the game which is essential when describing a proficient leader.
In addition, John Scott was able to stand up to his multimillion-dollar employer and deny their request.
After he had accepted the fact that he would participate in the All-Star Weekend, the National Hockey League told John Scott not to play because they believed his family wouldn’t be proud of this stunt. As a result, John was infuriated by what they told him and said; “I deserve to be the judge of what my kids will –and won’t- be proud of me for”. John kept a level head, and faced the NHL with an alarming amount of confidence. His ability to stand up for what he believed in further proves that he is a capable leader.
Finally, John Scott not only faced the NHL’s disapproval, he overcame it and succeeded. The captain of the Pacific team became the MVP of the tournament as he led his team to victory in the final game. Not only did Mr. Scott remain calm, he used the tournament as motivation to succeed. John was able to persevere when forced into a poor situation which shows a tremendous amount of leadership.
Therefore, I believe leadership comes in many different forms, and arises when needed most. John Scott wasn’t known for much more than throwing punches before the All-Star tournament, but when it was required of him, John was able to step up and take on a leadership role while overcoming the challenges presented to