In Ender’s Game, characters showing leadership often display eloquence in their speech and writing. The ability to use words in such an elegant fashion allows the user nearly unlimited potential. Ender convinces Bonzo to fight him alone by taking what he already knew about Bonzo’s history and using the information to verbally attack him, claiming that Bonzo had no honor. This event shows that Ender, the best example of a leader in the book, knows how to use words as weapons. Colonel Graff displays his persuasive side when convincing …show more content…
Empathetic leaders have the ability to understand their enemies, they can know how their enemies feel. Organized leaders have everything laid out for them to see, they know what they can do and thus, know what they will do. Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game displays leadership in a different way than most books, showing the abilities of a child unlike anything before it. The children in this novel show eloquence, empathy and organizational skills, commanding armies more efficiently than their superiors. Ender, Valentine, Peter. Graff and Mazer are true