From this common starting point, there are a large number of leadership models available. However, Burns categorized two primary leadership models; transactional and transforming and categorized transactional leadership by the statement “leaders approach followers with an eye to exchanging one thing for…
The Leadership member exchange theory according to many sources, states that all relationships between managers and subordinates go through three stages. (LMX Theory 1975) These three stages are identified as role taking, role making, and routinization. Role taking is first, and as soon as new members enter your group. During role taking, members take time to evaluate these new members, and come up with an idea of their strengths. Role making is the second stage where the manager or leader subconsciously and informally divides new members into two categories, the “In-Group” and the “Out-Group”. These informal groups play a very specific role in the success of leader, and his or her group. An In-Group of team members, are people the leader trusts…
As indicated in the text, substitutes for leadership is a theory that “diminishes or replaces the influence of leaders” (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2014, p. 435). This can be translated as having other variables that can be utilized in place of a leader or leadership thus acting as replacements that would make a leader’s influence impossible. The leadership neutralizers theory suggests that it’s “something that makes it impossible for leadership to make a difference meaning leaders tend to be less influential under certain circumstances” (Ivancevich, Konopaske, & Matteson, 2014, p. 435). Those 3 circumstances include: “if subordinates have high levels of training or experience and are independent and professional, tasks are routine…
Bass, B. M., Waldman D. A., Avolio B. J. & Bebb M. (1987). Transformational Leadership and…
The leader-member exchange theory is a “process that is centered on the interactions between leaders and followers” (Northouse, 2013, p. 161). Two main groups of subordinates exist in the LMX model: the in-group and the out-group. Research found that there is a direct connection with high quality leader-member exchanges and job satisfaction and performance. Evaluating the leadership styles of Coach Knight and Coach Krzyzewski shows that there is evidence of the leader-member exchange theory in addition to the positive performance results that were indicated by the research of Dansereau (Northouse, 2013, p.162).…
Andersen, JA & Hansson, PH 2011,"At the end of the road? On differences between women and men in leadership behaviour", Leadership & Organization Development Journal, vol. 32 no. 5 pp. 428 – 441…
The Leader-Member Exchange Theory is a method that centers on promoting followers that participate and share similar personalities with their leaders. This approach is beneficial to followers that get along with their leaders and do more than what is asked from them but for followers that don’t fit into this mold it can be difficult. “If followers are not interested in taking on new and different job responsibilities, they become a part of the out-group. Followers in the in-group receive more information, influence, confidence, and concern from their leaders than do out-group followers.” (Northouse, 2016). In, The Blind Side, the coach relates to players that understand his logic. When a player does something improperly, he grabs them and demonstrates what he means. This works with players that follow his sense of logic and are better taught by being shown. This method however doesn’t work with one player, Michael. He grabs him while he talks to him and says, “If you grab him outside like this or that horse collar thing you just did you’re going to get flagged and I’m going to be pissed. Do you hear me? Alright let’s go.” (Johnson, Kosove, Netter, Hancock, 2009,…
After reviewing Module Six “Leadership and Followership”, the concept that I felt was most important was Diversity Awareness. The reason it is the most important is because when everyone joins the military, every person does not necessarily know, where the person standing next to them are from or what type of culture they grew up in. With that being said, Diversity Awareness is important because we have to educate ourselves and our Airmen to identify and respond to the requirements of different individuals, which is diversity awareness. By doing so, we grow working relationships which affect the efficiency of a person, the duty that they are undertaking and ultimately the mission.…
During module 6: Leadership and Followership, I found that the most important concept was social sensitivity. According to our required reading in module 6, social sensitivity is defined as developing “keen awareness and understanding of others’ emotions, feelings, personality, temperaments, strengths, cultural differences, values, and beliefs”. This tells me that I should be able to understand and respect others’ viewpoints at every level. This concept is most important to me because the military is full of diverse people that come from many different social backgrounds. This concept will allow me to reduce social barriers in the work center and understand what everyone can provide for the mission.…
Information technology has made great strides in improving the efficiency and effectiveness of how information is organized, stored, processed, and shared in today’s organizations. With the vast amount of information available at the touch of a button, there are several human aspects that should be considered when implementing and maintaining an information management system. It can be a very difficult task for information managers to find the right combination of technology, access to information, and security to match the needs and information culture of the entire organization. Information managers must begin by thinking about how people use information, not how people use machines (Davenport 1994). It shouldn’t be assumed that once the right technology is in place, suitable information sharing will follow. Human nature can have a great deal of influence, good and bad, on how effective an IT system can be. With the enormous amount of information being exchanged, it is not possible to account for all of the unforeseen consequences of the expansion of information in use by today’s companies. Using computers to help individuals perform their jobs and tasks is one of the most important actions taken when implementing technology effectively. However, sometimes the result of this intervention is not successful at all and may even generate difficulties related to people participation in this process (De Souza Dias 1998). This paper will discuss a few of the human variables involved in the information technology equation. The first section of this paper will deal with senior management’s lack of understanding of the implementation process. The discussion will also include the characteristics of the IT professional. In the final section, training the end user will be discussed.…
1. Identify and analyze one leadership theory or style that you believe best aligns with your own thoughts of what leadership means. Use that theory or style to analyze your strengths and weaknesses.…
The purpose of this paper is to present and defend my ideas about the various leadership theories that have been addressed in the doctoral program. With this purpose in mind, I will focus predominantly on Situational Leadership, first described by Hersey and Blanchard in 1969. This approach has been revised over time by the following researchers since its inception: Blanchard, Zigarmi, & Nelson, 1993; Blanchard, Zigarmi, & Zigarmi, 1985; Hersey & Blanchard, 1977 and 1988. Through synthesizing the readings from class, I will illustrate the special character of this approach relative to other leadership styles and its impact on organizations. Furthermore, I will identify the implications of using this approach as a conceptual lens as opposed to the other styles. I will close with insights derived from the synthesis and reflect upon the implications for my professional growth as a leader.…
To overcome preparation barriers we need to plan ahead and prepare before communicating. We need to figure out what we are planning to deliver and whether we need feedback or not .And also thinking about the recipient reaction and the communication media they might have so that you can choose the best media to communicate. And to overcome noisy environment barrier we need to hold the meeting in the meeting room if it is face-to-face communication, while talking on the phone we can go to a less noisy place and communicate.…
Back in October of 2013, I toke this class and received a C+ now I’m taking it again, in 2013 under different circumstance I wasn’t prepared for this class, but this time around things are a little different. Now I am supposed to do a research depicting how different leadership theories apply to your chosen school setting. Things haven’t changed I’m choosing my school to write about while taking the course studies. Edith Robinson Christian Academy (ERCA) in Fort Lauderdale, Florida is a unique private school. (ERCA) proudly uses the slogan, “Love lives here.” In the simplest of terms, this is what Edith Robinson Christian Academy offers the at-risk-youth of Fort Lauderdale, Florida—children, teens, and young adults who may not often hear that they are valued, believed in, and loved. Driven by a philosophy that you can never give up on a child, Edith Robinson Christian Academy staff actively seeks out youth who have been thrown out of school, are unable to reach their full potential in a traditional school or are barred from other programs. This passionate organization helps them change their lives—and realize their full potential. I’m currently the owner but in 2013 I was the owner, Principal, teacher, cafeteria (cook), transportation, etc. whatever it took believe me I did it. Well this school year I have a staff; Principal, five teacher, two cafeteria worker, one security, two transportation driver, and myself the Director of Schools. The grade levels we deal with are from K though 12. In 2013 I we had to pick a leadership theory that best fits your program. I’m to pick a minimum of three different leadership article from Grand Canyon University elibrary. So this time around my position at the school hasn’t change, but I’m more so the true leader here and I have to have my staff understand the direction or vision I have for the…
leadership ratings Journal of Leadership Studies Volume 2, Issue 4, Date:, Pages: 48-60 Retrieved March 15, 2009 from University of Phoenix Esource Library…