Deborah Adams
Bay Path College
Deciding which non-profit organization was difficult as there were many that influence the community in a fashion that I identify with and would like to contribute. Choosing RSVP was based on it being a volunteer program. Although it is a national program its local mission is to recruit, train and place volunteers at the local level. It provides volunteers that lead, inspire and change the world. The paper collects the experiences of RSVP staff and director, its station recipients and volunteers—who all have a unique experience in contributing to the organization and agencies that are directly changed by the volunteers which provide a service.
Since the Station locations that RSVP services range from—human services, tourism, arts to culture each service provided is unique. The paper will demonstrate how volunteers help a community’s population while saving the community money. This research will call upon the reader to reflect on something he or she can do at a local level to leave a footprint and inspire allows to follow.
About RSVP RSVP is a corporation for national and community service—a network of volunteers, which is the main reason I chose this organization to research. Although RSVP is advertised for volunteers who are 55 years and older—senior retirees who may have considerable experience and knowledge in a variety of business areas—they except any volunteer who wishes to contribute his or her time or talent. Using senior volunteers allows a population that usually is the recipient of such services to give back to the community, help their peers and remaining agile—strengthening activity that could lead to a healthier and longer life. Those under 55 years of age are recruited and may serve as an “associate volunteer”.
Service opportunities at the national level are diverse like the communities and people it serves—and may include organizing neighborhood watch