• The National Executive Secretary for Education and Religious Education- Madam Augusta
• The National Curriculum Developer- Mr. Ruto.
• The National Programmes Officer- Mrs. Abuya
• All the religious present.
• Principals, Deputies, Teachers and all other youth educators present.
• All protocol observed.
I am happy to be invited to this C.A.P.A.P workshop and I wish to commend each one of you for having being identified as a person who can go through this important programme. After the completion of the course, you will be expected to be a better counsellor for the young people in the secondary schools and Parishes as well.
I was requested to share with you some ideas concerning LEADERSHIP in general with particular reference to school leadership. I will also address those people who are not working in schools but they are doing a lot of good work with youth movements in parishes.
I wish to invite all of you to think about the school you have come from and how you have contributed to its success or failure in all areas including national examinations.
• There are many ways of defining leadership but for our purposes, I wish to define leadership as the process of influencing the MOVEMENTS of an organized group in its efforts towards GOAL setting and GOAL achievements.
• It is also an interactional process where an organization defines for each member the roles they are expected to play in the decision making process, the carrying out of duties and responsibilities and seeking positive co-operation from all the members of the organization who should perform their duties willingly, with zeal and confidence as well.
• All the members in the organization must be clear about the VISION, MISSION and MOTTO of the organization, e.g. The