It also requires articulating standards for success and having confident in the team. This style does hot deal well l with individual instance of poor performance, but in general this style is most effective. The authoritative style may sound like “come with me”. The Affiliative style is on third in a list. It sound like “people come first”. This style particularly important when building new teams , restoring trust and managing institutional change. It requires a leader who is comfortable sharing their own personal experience and can listen actively . A higher amount of EI needed for this style . The negative part is it may lead to avoiding necessary conflict and ignoring poor …show more content…
Challenges with the democratic styles is that it needs to be authentic. People need an opportunity to speak and really be heard. This can be time – consuming and may also be frustrating. Leaders with good facilitation skill to keep control of the participatory process. It mostly effectively used for specific difficult decisions. The Second last style is Pacesetting style, the leader sound like “I will set the example”. And its need demonstrate high performance. This style is a natural style for people who were recently promoted up to manager due to their out standing performance as an individual contributor. Problem is that management is more than just being that official pacesetter. It may work when all members of a team are intrinsically motivated , high performance who need little direction. The pace is not enough sufficient to shape, motivate and energize a team to accomplish great things. The last style is coaching style where leader focus on employee development and think how to do it better. A manager who is capable of giving performance feedback that motivates rather than create