1.1 Background to the study
Many nations of the world are presently undergoing serious economic, financial, political, ethnic and religious crises, due largely to the ineptitude of their leaders and ineffective leadership styles adopted. Geographical, social, religious, racial as well as domestic crises among others, are evidences of such ineffective leadership styles adopted towards the accomplishment of set goals and objectives in different spheres of human endeavour.
Nigeria as a nation has been very unfortunate since independence to have leaders who lack the basic quality of good leadership with which the nation would have been transformed into a powerful and vibrant nation. This has resulted to the fact that Nigeria, within her very short period of existence as a sovereign nation, has witnessed quite a number of coup-d-tat, which is a direct product of bad leadership. This phenomenon of leadership style inherent in our sovereign nation runs across different spheres of endeavours. It is not uncommon then in Nigeria for various categories of workers and students to embark on strike actions or mass protest to demonstrate their disenchantment with the authorities. Nigeria leaders be it at the Federal, State or Local
Government levels as well as the leaders of the parastatals and Non-government organizations have been known to be insensitive to the plight of the masses, so cold and hardened that they are not willing to effect changes in the lives of Nigerians.
The public sector in Nigeria has been badly affected by poor leadership style that ESE (2001 – 2003) opined that “The public sector is characterized by generally negative work attitude, low motivational at tendencies and generally low productivity.
Leadership is of particular importance in industries and organizations because of its far-reaching effects on the accomplishment of objectives and the
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